"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. About Our School
  2. Governors


As Chair of Governors, I'm very happy to welcome you to the website and introduce you to the governors of the school. As governors, we are responsible for the overall direction of the school, making sure that the school fulfils it's Catholic Christian mission, that all pupils reach their full potential and that teaching and management are of the very best.
We are drawn from the community and we include one of our parish priests, Canon Mervyn Tower, together with representatives from the staff, parishes and parents. Many of us are parents ourselves and have felt very lucky to have our children educated at St Joseph's and are keen to give something back to the school.
We meet once a term and have a number of committees dealing with such issues as finance, admissions and curriculum. We hold elections for parent governors every four years and if you would be interested in joining us, please do put your name forward.
Parish Priest | chorpuschristi
Canon Mervyn Tower, Chair of Governors