"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Contact & Information
  2. Admissions


Thank you for considering St Joseph's.  Visits are warmly welcomed so that you can get a feel for our values, our rich and exciting learning environments, and our inspiring and challenging curriculum.  

We are very excited to show you our school. 

This year our open event was on Wednesday 9th October at 1:30pm-3pm

If you were unable to attend these events, please call the office on 01865 763357 or email admin.3838@st-josephs-pri.oxon.sch.uk to make an appointment for Monday/Tuesday afternoons and you will be shown around by one of the Senior Leadership team.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you still have further queries after reading the documents below for reception and in-year admissions.


(Further reports and information can be found under the 'About Our School' Tab

Click here - Admission Policy 24-25

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2024-25 (entry to Reception in September 2024)

Click here - Admission Policy 25-26

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2025-26 (entry to Reception in September 2025)

Click here - Admission Policy 26-27

Latest School Newsletters can be found on the Homepage - scroll down


(At the start of the Reception year)


(for pupils after the start of Reception year - Y1-Y6)

Although St Joseph's serves the parishes of St Anthony of Padua, Corpus Christi and Greyfriars churches in Oxford, we welcome applications from families across the city and local area. Click here for parish links.

Catholic education has a well earned, and respected, reputation for the breadth, depth and excellence of its curriuclum based on Catholic social teaching and values.   


We are working hard to review and refresh our curriculum to ensure the academic excellence in line with our curriuclum intent statement.  Please visit the curriculum pages on the website which explain in further detail about our core curriulum (English, Maths and Science), our foundation subjects areas (including Latin/French, geography, history, music, PE, computing, DT, art & design)  and our additional subjects which add further breadth (including forest school, chess, music and public speaking).  There is also a page to explain more about the RE Curriculum at St Joseph's.

We are so proud of our school site - here is a link to a 'gallery' of our site.


Our EYFS has recently been completely renovated.  We are very excited at the changes to our learning environment as we know that this is the second teacher and is central to Reception provision.  We have also worked hard on developing the rest of the school to ensure that the whole site is an inspiring, organsied and well resourced environment to support our aim of academic excellence.  Recent changes include our new library area in the centre of the school, our new front office, our new running track, our well-being 'pod', our polytunnel and outside learning provision, and our new climbing equipment in the KS1 playground.  Come and have a look!

Please take the time to explore our website.  For quick links to essential information, see below:

For information about 'wrap around care' (before and after school clubs) click here.

For information about clubs after school click here.

For information about school lunches click here.