Relationships & Sex Education (RSE),
PSHCE and British Values
The tabs below, talk about the specific curriculum we use for developing children's understanding of the world around them. Personal Development is central to our offer and is integrated into the life of the school. If you click on this link, you will be taken to a page which outlines activities in 23-24, they are also celebrated in our newsletters.
Relationships & Sex Education
Click here for information about our Relationships and Sex Education programme and policy.
Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education
This is taught through a combination of subject areas and enrichment activities across the year and through the school. It is closely linked to our Catholic Social Teaching and our RSE (see section before).
British Values
Respect, Tolerance, Democracy, Rule of Law and Individual Liberty
We teach British Values throughout the year in the class curriculum and through our enrichment activities.