"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Relationships & Sex Education (RSE), PSHCE and British Values
  3. Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

We use the Diocesan approved curriculum from Ten Ten called Life to the Full.  This is an age appropriate programme which focuses on relationships as well as understanding how our bodies change - in an age appropriate way.  Parents are kept fully informed and this curriculum follows the national requirements.


Further information can be found in our Relationships and Sex Education Policy through this link.

Here is a link to the Ten Ten programme - Life to the Full - Overview document.  If you would like more information, please contact the school through the office.

Life to the Full Primary Overview

 Life to the Full Whole School Progression of Skills

EYFS Vocabulary Progression

KS1 Vocabulary Progression

LKS2 Vocabulary Progression

UKS2 Vocabulary Progression

Here is a link to our planning document that sets when different strands of RSE, RE and Catholic Social Teaching (CST) are taught over this year.

RSE, RE and Catholic Social Teaching Overview