"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Religious Education
  3. collective worship, assemblies and mass

prayer & Liturgy, assemblies and mass

Prayer and liturgy (collective worship) forms part of the Curriculum and takes different forms in our school.  It can be in class, as an assembly or as a Mass. 


Our children learn traditional prayers in year groups throughout the school and we use these as part of our daily acts of collective worship.


We have whole school assemblies on a Monday and Friday.  The Monday assembly is traditionally a Gospel Assembly and the Thursday Assembly is a celebration of the work the children do and includes sharing and certificates.  During the week each Key Stage also has their own assembly.



We are fortunate that Canon Mervyn (Parish Priest of Corpus Christi) says Mass for us in school at the beginning and end of each term.  In addition, we go to St Anthony of Padua on days of obligation that fall in term time.  We also attend Mass at Corpus Christi for special occasions.