"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Teaching & Learning
  2. Classes
  3. Year 2


Welcome to Year 2.

Our Year 2 teachers are Mrs Smith and Mrs Parczewska

Mrs Smith is also the Key Stage Coordinator.

For Information about our curriculum please click on this link:

Curriculum Documents for Year 2


We welcome you to Year 2 and are looking forward to getting working with you.

Here is some useful information:


Reading books: At this age, the children learn to read quickly and confidently. Please listen to them read every night if possible and record a comment in the Reading records. We would like the reading books and records to come into school every day, so please keep them in their school bag, so the teachers can check the reading record, change books and hear the children read. We change reading books regularly during the week.

Year 2s have group ‘guided reading’ every week. This gives the opportunity for detailed discussion as well as decoding and comprehension.


Writing: Each few weeks we focus on a different type of writing, such as instructional writing, diary writing, non -fiction and poetry. The children build up their writing over a number of weeks. We teach spelling through phonics and have phonic sessions daily. We also help the children to learn other high frequency words and common exception words. We teach cursive handwriting.


Maths: Maths is taught through The Maths No Problem scheme. This uses a variety of problem- solving activities and teaches a variety of methods for calculation. Challenging tasks are planned to deepen your child’s understanding. It is essential that the children learn to recall important number facts such as number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and later on 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Please support at home with these.


PE: On the days when they have PE, the children are allowed to come to school in PE kit and stay in it all day. This should be school or plain green shorts and school or plain white T. Shirt. Please help us by keeping to this. A track suit can be worn for outdoor P.E. when it gets colder. Earrings must be taped over or removed for P.E. independently

please. For information about when your child is having PE, please speak to the class teacher.


Forest School: Forest School is happening on a rotational basis throughout the year. When you know it is your child’s turn to do Forest School, please bring in suitable named clothing.


Fruit is provided for the children every day in Year 2. If your child wants to bring their own snack to school it should be fruit or vegetables or a healthy alternative.


Play frame: We are fortunate to have a play frame in the grounds for our children to enjoy. For safety reasons, no children are not allowed to play on this before or after school.


Library: At particular times of the school year, the children will have a chance to go to the school library and choose a book. They can bring it home and share it with you. Please return it for the following library session.


Homework: Homework will go home on Fridays and needs to be returned on Tuesday. It is an opportunity for you to see what your child is learning at school as all homework has been taught in the classroom that week. Please help your child as much as needed. If this is a problem do talk to us or write a message.


General requests

· All clothes named please.

· Please bring in a water bottle every day.

· Please do not allow the children to bring in soft toys, trading cards or other things from home.


If you have any concerns about your child, please make an appointment with the class teacher by catching us at the end of school.

Kind regards,

Mrs Smith and Mrs Parczewska

Pleasefind below a powerpoint presentation (shared with parents at the Meet the Teacher event in September) all about life in Year 2!