Year 4
Welcome to Year 4, an exciting year where children build on existing knowledge in order to prepare for UKS2 and develop new skills. We particularly value; kindness, politeness and a growth mindset when approaching any challenge. Working independently and collaboratively are both key parts of our teaching, with all children responding positively to feedback and adapting accordingly.
The teachers for Year 4 are:
Mrs Bosco (4B) and Mr Dillon (4D)
Mr Dillon is also the Lower Key Stage 2 Coordinator.
Please click on this link for the Year 4 Curriculum documents:
Year 4 Curriculum overview and documents
Year 4 Curriculum
All our learning is in line with the National Curriculum and we choose our topics to bring out subjects in a creative, cross-curricular way.
The children will develop their confidence and ability to articulate orally through Public Speaking sessions, this will later be used in our Super Assembly that you can come and watch.
The children have a rich and varied curriculum throughout the year which includes Forest School, PE, drama, DT programming, Touch Typing, Chess and Latin.
Special events
This year we have a one-night residential trip to the Scout Camp at Youlbury where children take part in challenging activities such as climbing and team building exercises such as campfire cooking and crate stacking.
Extra information
Children are expected to read at home daily, some or all of the time with an adult. Books are always available at school where we visit the library weekly. In Year 4, the children change their own books whenever they have finished one and record in their Reading Record what they have read. We practice whole class reading sessions and individual 1:1 reading. All children are heard reading by an adult every two weeks. We may also have groups for the children who need extra support.
Times tables
To practice times tables at home, we use TT Rock stars or Hit the button, where children can practice at their own levels. All children have a unique login which is sent home. The Year 4 classes will sit the Government Multiplication Tables Check in June.
On your child’s PE day, they will come in to school in their PE uniform and remain in it all day.
Water bottles and snacks
The children are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and a fruit or veg snack every day. Water can be topped up in the classroom.
Please find below a powerpoint presentation (delivered to parents at the Meet the Teacher event in September)