"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Teaching & Learning
  2. Classes
  3. Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 - your final stop on the adventure through primary school!  
In Year 6, we have a wonderfully engaging learning environment for the oldest members of our school community to thrive and finish primary school as the best learners they can possibly be. Our classroom learning and personal development of ourselves as individuals is at the heart of all that we do, preparing ourselves for the transition to secondary school and onwards.  
In Year 6, we value independence, understanding, an acceptance that we are all different but equal in the eyes of God and kindness to all whose paths cross ours. As is the case throughout the school, we aim to live our school mission and ethos: ‘Let us protect with love all that God has given us’, in all that we do, from our learning and support in the classroom, through to how we set an example as role models to the younger children within our school.  
The teachers for Year 6 are:
Miss Hunter & Mrs Winnifrith (6HW) and Mr Turner (6T) 
Mr Ingram is the Upper Key Stage 2 Coordinator.
Please click on these links for the Year 6 Curriculum documents:
Year 6 is a wonderful year: the children overcome fears together, surprise themselves together, work together, play together, pray together and laugh together (a lot!) As great friends we love… LEARNING TOGETHER!  
Please see below for a presentation (shared with parents at the Meet the Teacher event in September) about life in Year 6.
Also shared below is a presentation (shared with parents on 10th February) about the SATs.